

Consent to Participate in Research

CPHS # 2019-11-12707

Berkeley Innovation Index Project

The Berkeley Innovation Index project and survey is a tool to self-measure yourself for innovation mindsets and behaviors.  It is most often used as a teaching tool for users to learn about the topic of innovation related mindset and behavior. The faculty advisor for this project is Ikhlaq Sidhu at the University of California Berkeley.   

Possibility for Studies:
By taking the survey, there is a possibility that your data might be used to help us in a study to understand relationships between populations and groups with respect to behaviors, mindsets, and innovation related capabilities.   

The project is intended to learn how to better teach people the skills required for innovation and entrepreneurship. Participants should be 18 years of age or older.

Risks and discomforts:
We do not anticipate any risks from taking this survey. You can choose not to answer questions and you may quit at any time.

Participants may take one of multiple types of surveys.  You will receive self-assessment results from the survey. We may request email address information so that we can send personalized reports.  This data might be aggregated and analyzed to better understand what makes people more effective and how to better teach people to be better innovators. If you share your email address with us, we might contact you for a follow up survey or study in future.

By taking the survey, you may learn more about yourself and how you can increase your ability to innovate or grow professionally. It is hoped that the research will help us understand how to help people and society increase innovation.

Compensation for participation:
You will not be paid for taking part in this study.

Privacy/Confidentiality/Data Security:
Data collected will be confidential and will be used only to gather statistics for of populations.  To minimize the risks to confidentiality, we will store information in a password protected, secure storage system.  Please note that email communication is neither private nor secure.  We may share de-identified data with collaborators.  Identifiers might be removed from the identifiable private information.  After such removal, the information could be used for future research studies or distributed to other investigators for future research studies without additional informed consent from the subject or the legally authorized representative.

Participation in research is completely voluntary. You are free to decline to take part in the project. You are free to stop taking part in the project at any time. Whether or not you choose to participate, to answer any particular question, or continue participating in the project, there will be no penalty to you or loss of benefits to which you are otherwise entitled.

If you have any questions about this research, please feel free to contact us.

You can reach the research director (Dr. Ikhlaq Sidhu) at +1 510 666 3735, or at -- include "Research Director" in the subject line.

You can reach the principal investigator (Elias Castro Hernandez) at +1 510 666 3735 or at -- include "Principal Investigator" in the subject line. 

If you have any questions about your rights or treatment as a research participant in this study, please contact the University of California at Berkeley's Committee for Protection of Human Subjects at +1 510 642 7461, or e-email

We are committed to protecting your privacy. To learn more about our efforts, visit